Post Office Box 6338
226 State Street
West Columbia, SC 29169
Tel: 803-796-9299
Don't Get Lost
We've made it easy for you to find us. Check out our maps and directions below. When you arrive at our office, park out front on State St. and come to the front door and ring the buzzer. One of our staff will greet you and bring you inside.
If for any reason you have any difficulty finding us, just give us a call and we will do our best to guide you to our office.
If for any reason you have any difficulty finding us, just give us a call and we will do our best to guide you to our office.
If you're in Columbia:
Come from downtown Columbia on the Gervais Street bridge. Turn left onto State Street at the second light after crossing the bridge - Terra's Restaurant (formerly Mangia Mangia) is on the left. Go one and one-half blocks, past Thompson's funeral home. At the next corner (corner of Spring and State), there is a two-story pink brick building on your right - that is our building. Turn right at Spring Street and park behind the pink building and come in either the front or back door.
Ballard & Watson
226 State Street
Columbia, SC 29169
From Charleston:
To Columbia on I-26. Take exit 115 toward downtown Columbia. Go 4.5 miles after getting off interstate - you will be on Knox Abbott Drive, headed toward the Blossom Street bridge into downtown Columbia. Two lights before you get on the bridge, you will come to a Lizard's Thicket Restaurant on the right, and a CVS on the left. Turn left onto State Street. Pass the Old Mill Antique Mall on the left, and at the next corner (corner of Spring and State), there is a two-story pink brick building on your left - that is us. Turn left at Spring Street and park behind the pink building and come in either the front or back door.
From Florence:
To Columbia on I-20. Take exit onto route 277 toward downtown Columbia. Route 277 which turns into Bull Street. Follow Bull Street until it intersects with Gervais Street. Take a right onto Gervais Street. Turn left onto State Street at the second light after crossing the bridge - Terra's Restaurant (formerly Mangia Mangia) is on the left. Go one and one-half blocks, past Thompson's funeral home. At the next corner (corner of Spring and State), there is a two-story pink brick building on your right - that is our building. Turn right at Spring Street and park behind the pink building and come in either the front or back door.
From Greenville:
Come into Columbia on I-26. I-26 will veer off to the right to Charleston. Instead, stay in the two left lanes to follow I-126 (versus I-26) into downtown Columbia. As you enter downtown Columbia on I-126, the highway will split - Elmwood Avenue to the left and Huger Street to the right. Go right onto Huger Street. Pass Bell South building and watch for a sign for the State Museum. Pass the sign for the State Museum, and the next light will be Gervais Street. Turn right on Gervais Street. Pass the State Museum on the right, and you will be on the Gervais Street Bridge. Turn left onto State Street at the second light after crossing the bridge - Terra's Restaurant (formerly Mangia Mangia) is on the left. Go one and one-half blocks, past Thompson's funeral home. At the next corner (corner of Spring and State), there is a two-story pink brick building on your right - that is our building. Turn right at Spring Street and park behind the pink building and come in either the front or back door.